Back Pain Resources
Within each area you will find links to download and read the resources, which include patient information, publications, clinician training and videos.
You can access these resources by scrolling down this page and selecting the resource you require from the buttons below.

- Videos
- Leaflets
- Websites
Back Pain Videos
This section has information about back pain and how you can manage your back pain.
Back Pain Leaflets
This leaflet was developed by patients, for patients, with academics and clinicians and Keele University.
It answers the most frequently asked questions about back pain.
So you have back pain?
Back Pain Websites
It is well known that back pain can be a considerable problem for some people, with great costs to them individually and to society as a whole.
STarT Back is an approach which is carried out by your healthcare professional and matches patients to treatments using a simple tool to match patients to treatment packages appropriate for them.
Significantly decrease disability from back pain
Reduce time off work
Save money by making better use of health resources
You can find out more about STarT Back here:
STarT Back – Evidence Based Implementation of Stratified Care (